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pterodactyl whmcs

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Video Tutorial (uses 0.7 version of the panel but nothing changed functionality wise)

  • Download/Git clone this repository.
  • Move the pterodactyl/ folder into <path to whmcs>/modules/servers/.
  • Create API Credentials with these permissions: 
  • In WHMCS 8+ navigate to System Settings → Servers. In WHMCS 7 or below navigate to Setup → Products/Services → Servers
  • Create new server, fill the name with anything you want, hostname as the url to the panel either as an IP or domain. For example: or my.pterodactyl.panel
  • Change Server Type to Pterodactyl, leave username empty, fill the password field with your generated API Key.
  • Tick the "Secure" option if your panel is using SSL.
  • Confirm that everything works by clicking the Test Connection button -> Save Changes.
  • Go back to the Servers screen and press Create New Group, name it anything you want and choose the created server and press the Add button, Save Changes.
  • Navigate to Setup > Products/Services > Products/Services
  • Create your desired product (and product group if you haven't already) with the type of Other and product name of anything -> Continue.
  • Click the Module Settings tab, choose for Module Name Pterodactyl and for the Server Group the group you created in step 8.
  • Fill all non-optional fields, and you are good to go!

    This is the hidden content, please
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Administrator (Detinator) @ Easy-Code Romania
Ex Manager @ Leaks Romania

Conturile mele de socialmedia -> www.pericsq.ro


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