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Minimum Requirements for Installing an Invision Community Board (4.7+)

Features Requirements Status
PHP 8.0.0 or higher 8.3.8
PHP (8.2.0) 8.2.0 or higher 8.3.8
openssl Enabled Enabled


Minimum requirements are met for a board running on PHP version 8.0+!

Date: 2024-07-07

Setting PHP Version

PHP version setting is done from cPanel, in the "Select PHP Version" section.

1. Access cPanel and look for the "Select PHP Version" section.

2. Select the desired version from the list.

3. Click "Set as current".

4. Click "Save".

5. Done! The PHP version has been successfully changed!

Setting PHP Version (DirectAdmin)

PHP version setting is done from DirectAdmin, in the "Select PHP Version" section.

1. Access DirectAdmin and look for the "Select PHP Version" section.

2. Select the desired version from the list.

3. Click "Set as current".

4. Click "Save".

5. Done! The PHP version has been successfully changed!